Title: Photos Plugin: Starburst Photo Gallery

Unknown Error

Please report this error, along with what you were doing, to the site administrator. # Read the photo gallery config. $root->{photocfg} = &readConfig("photos.conf"); # Get basic query string variables. my $action = $query->{action} || 'index'; my $album = $query->{album} || ''; my $pic = $query->{pic} || ''; # Get our album privileges. my $privilege = &getPhotoPermissions(); # Alias the action. if ($action eq 'index') { if (length $album > 0 && length $pic > 0) { $action = 'picture'; } elsif (length $album > 0) { $action = 'album'; } } # Create the photo directories if they don't exist. if (!-d "$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos") { mkdir ("$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos"); } # Process the action. if ($action eq 'index') { # List the photo albums index. $root->{content} = "

Photo Albums

\n\n"; my $meta = &readAllAlbums(); if (scalar keys %{$meta} > 0) { $root->{content} .= "\n"; foreach my $id (sort { $b cmp $a } keys %{$meta}) { # Skip albums we can't see. if ($meta->{$id}->{privacy} eq 'members') { if (not $root->{auth}) { # Must be logged in to see member albums. next; } } elsif ($meta->{$id}->{privacy} eq 'private') { if ($root->{auth}) { # Only Owners can see private albums. if ($privilege !~ /^owners$/i) { next; } } else { next; } } # Count the pictures. my $picmeta = &readPhotos ($id); my $count = scalar keys %{$picmeta}; $root->{content} .= "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n"; } $root->{content} .= "
\n"; if (length $meta->{$id}->{icon}) { $root->{content} .= "" . "{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/$id/" . "s-$meta->{$id}->{icon}\" alt=\"$meta->{$id}->{name}\" " . "style=\"border: 1px solid #000000\">" . "\n"; } else { $root->{content} .= "[no album cover]\n"; } $root->{content} .= "\n" . "

" . "$meta->{$id}->{name}

\n" . "$count photo" . ($count == 1 ? '' : 's') . ".\n"; if ($privilege =~ /^owners$/i) { $root->{content} .= "
\n" . "Privacy: " . ucfirst($meta->{$id}->{privacy}) . "\n"; } # If 0 photos and we're the Owner, we can delete this. if ($count == 0) { if ($privilege =~ /^owners$/i) { $root->{content} .= "
\n" . "This album is empty. " . "" . "Delete it?\n"; } } $root->{content} .= "
\n"; } else { $root->{content} .= "No photo albums have been created.\n"; } if ($privilege =~ /^(owners|photographers)$/i) { $root->{content} .= "
\n"; if ($privilege =~ /^owners$/i) { $root->{content} .= "Owners: " . "[Create New Album]" . "
\n"; } $root->{content} .= "Photographers: " . "[Upload Photos]\n" . "
\n"; } } elsif ($action eq 'album') { # Load this album's info. my $meta = &readAlbum($query->{album}); $root->{meta}->{title} = $meta->{name}; # Get the pics in this album. my $pics = &readPhotos($query->{album}); $root->{content} = "


\n\n" . "¤ Back to Index

\n\n"; if (scalar keys %{$pics} > 0) { # Sort the pictures. my @prefSort = &getPicOrder($query->{album}); my %allPicIDs = %{$pics}; my @sorted = (); foreach my $id (@prefSort) { next unless exists $pics->{$id}; push (@sorted,$id); delete $allPicIDs{$id}; } push (@sorted, sort { $b cmp $a } keys %allPicIDs); my $x = 0; $root->{content} .= "\n"; foreach my $id (@sorted) { if ($x == 0) { $root->{content} .= "\n"; } # Count the comments. my @coms = &getPageComments("photos-$query->{album}-$id"); my $count = scalar(@coms); my $plural = $count == 1 ? 'comment' : 'comments'; $root->{content} .= "\n"; $x++; if ($x >= 4) { $root->{content} .= "\n"; $x = 0; } } if ($x < 4) { while ($x < 4) { $root->{content} .= "\n"; $x++; } $root->{content} .= "\n"; } $root->{content} .= "
\n" . "" . "{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/$album/s-$pics->{$id}->{photo}\" " . "alt=\"$pics->{$id}->{photo}\" style=\"border: 1px solid #000000\">
\n" . "$pics->{$id}->{caption}
\n" . "$count $plural\n" . "
\n" . " \n" . "
\n"; } else { $root->{content} .= "There are no photos in this album.\n"; } if ($privilege =~ /^(owners|photographers)$/i) { $root->{content} .= "

\n"; if ($privilege =~ /^owners$/i) { $root->{content} .= "Owners: " . "[Edit This Album]" . "
\n"; } $root->{content} .= "Photographers: " . "[Upload Photos|" . "Rearrange Photos]\n" . "
\n"; } } elsif ($action eq 'picture') { # Load this album's info. my $meta = &readAlbum($query->{album}); # Get the pics in this album. my $pics = &readPhotos($query->{album}); # Sort the pictures. my @prefSort = &getPicOrder($query->{album}); my %allPicIDs = %{$pics}; my @sorted = (); foreach my $id (@prefSort) { next unless exists $pics->{$id}; push (@sorted,$id); delete $allPicIDs{$id}; } push (@sorted, sort { $b cmp $a } keys %allPicIDs); my $nextPic = $sorted[0]; my $i = 0; foreach my $id (@sorted) { if ($id eq $pic) { if (defined $sorted[$i + 1]) { $nextPic = $sorted[$i + 1]; } else { $nextPic = $sorted[0]; } last; } $i++; } my $title = $pics->{$pic}->{caption} || $meta->{name}; $root->{meta}->{title} = $title; $root->{content} = "


\n\n" . "¤ Back to Album
\n" . "¤ Back to Index

\n\n"; if ($privilege =~ /^(owners|photographers)$/i) { $root->{content} .= "

\n"; if ($privilege =~ /^owners$/i) { $root->{content} .= "Owners: " . "[Set as Album Cover]" . "
\n"; } $root->{content} .= "Photographers: " . "[Edit Caption|" . "Delete]\n" . "
\n"; } $root->{content} .= "
\n" . "" . "{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/$album/l-$pics->{$pic}->{photo}\" " . "alt=\"$pics->{$pic}->{photo}\">
\n" . "$pics->{$pic}->{caption}\n" . "
\n" . ""; } elsif ($action eq 'newalbum') { # Only Owners can make a new album. if ($privilege !~ /^owners$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only the photo album owners can access this page."; return 1; } $root->{content} = "

Create Album

\n\n" . "
\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "Album ID:
\n" . "This is a single-word, lowercase ID for your album (ex: pics, newyork, etc.)
\n" . "

\n\n" . "Album Name:
\n" . "This is the name that's visible to the users (ex: My Trip to New York).
\n" . "

\n\n" . "Permissions:
\n" . "

\n\n" . "\n" . "

\n"; } elsif ($action eq 'mkalbum') { # Only Owners can make a new album. if ($privilege !~ /^owners$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only the photo album owners can access this page."; return 1; } # Validate the inputs. my $id = $query->{id} || ''; my $name = $query->{name} || ''; my $perm = $query->{privacy} || 'public'; $id =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g; $id = lc($id); if (not length $id) { $root->{content} = "

Invalid ID

\n\n" . "Your ID must contain only letters and numbers."; return 1; } if (not length $name) { $name = ucfirst($id); } # Create the album. &writeAlbum ($id, name => $name, privacy => $perm, icon => '', ); $root->{content} = "

Album Created

\n\n" . "Your new photo album has been created. You can now " . "view your album " . "or upload photos."; } elsif ($action eq 'editalbum') { # Only Owners can make a new album. if ($privilege !~ /^owners$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only the photo album owners can access this page."; return 1; } # Load this album's info. my $meta = &readAlbum($query->{album}); $meta->{name} =~ s/\"/"/ig; $root->{content} = "

Edit Album

\n\n" . "
\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "Album ID:
\n" . "$album

\n\n" . "Album Name:
\n" . "This is the name that's visible to the users (ex: My Trip to New York).
\n" . "{name}\">

\n\n" . "Permissions:
\n" . "

\n\n" . "\n" . "

\n"; } elsif ($action eq 'updatealbum') { # Only Owners can make a new album. if ($privilege !~ /^owners$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only the photo album owners can access this page."; return 1; } # Load this album's info. my $meta = &readAlbum($query->{album}); # Validate the inputs. my $name = $query->{name} || ''; my $perm = $query->{privacy} || 'public'; if (not length $album) { $root->{content} = "

Invalid ID

\n\n" . "Your ID must contain only letters and numbers."; return 1; } if (not length $name) { $name = ucfirst($album); } # Create the album. &writeAlbum ($album, name => $name, privacy => $perm, icon => $meta->{icon}, ); $root->{content} = "

Album Update

\n\n" . "Your new photo album has been updated. You can now " . "view your album " . "or upload photos."; } elsif ($action eq 'delalbum') { # Only Owners can delete an album. if ($privilege !~ /^owners$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only the photo album owners can access this page."; return 1; } # Make sure this album is empty. my $picmeta = &readPhotos ($album); if (scalar keys %{$picmeta} > 0) { $root->{content} = "

Can't Delete Album

\n\n" . "This album still has pictures in it. Delete all of " . "the pictures before deleting the album."; return 1; } # Delete it. &deleteAlbum($album); $root->{content} = "

Album Deleted

\n\n" . "The album has been deleted successfully. " . "Return to the index."; } elsif ($action eq 'setcover') { # Only Owners can set the album cover picture. if ($privilege !~ /^owners$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only the photo album owners can access this page."; return 1; } my $meta = &readAlbum($album); $meta->{icon} = $pic; &writeAlbum($album, %{$meta}); $root->{content} = "

Cover Set

\n\n" . "The album cover has been updated. " . "Return to index or " . "return to album."; } elsif ($action eq 'upload') { # Only Photographers can upload photos. if ($privilege !~ /^(owners|photographers)$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only photographers can access this page."; return 1; } # Make sure we have albums. my $meta = {}; if (-f "$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/meta.txt") { $meta = do "$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/meta.txt"; } if (scalar keys %{$meta} == 0) { $root->{content} = "

No Photo Albums

\n\n" . "No photo albums were found. Please create one first."; return 1; } $root->{content} = "

Upload Photos

\n\n" . "
\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "
\n" . "Upload Pictures\n"; for (my $i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { $root->{content} .= "$i. Filename: " . "
\n" . "$i. Caption:  

\n\n"; } $root->{content} .= "

\n\n" . "[upload more]\n" . "

\n" . "
\n" . "Select Album\n" . "\n" . "

\n" . "\n" . "
\n"; $root->{content} .= q~ ~; } elsif ($action eq 'mkphoto') { # Only Photographers can upload photos. if ($privilege !~ /^(owners|photographers)$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only photographers can access this page."; return 1; } # Make sure we have albums. my $meta = {}; if (-f "$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/meta.txt") { $meta = do "$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/meta.txt"; } if (scalar keys %{$meta} == 0) { $root->{content} = "

No Photo Albums

\n\n" . "No photo albums were found. Please create one first."; return 1; } if (!-d "$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/$album") { $root->{content} = "

Album Not Found

\n\n" . "The photo album with the ID $album wasn't found."; return 1; } my @msgs = (); # Upload all the photos. for (my $i = 1; exists $query->{"pic" . $i}; $i++) { my $fname = $query->{"pic" . $i} || ''; my $cap = $query->{"cap" . $i} || ''; next if length $fname == 0; my $file = (split(/(\/|\\)/, $fname))[-1]; # Only accept image files. if ($fname =~ /\.(jpg|jpe|jpeg|gif|png)$/i) { # Good. } else { push (@msgs,"Error: File $fname not accepted: must be an image file!"); next; } # Read in the image and save it to a file. my $fh = $cgi->upload ("pic" . $i); my $bin = ''; while (<$fh>) { $bin .= $_; } # No data? if (length $bin == 0) { push (@msgs,"Error: File $file not accepted: zero-length file data!"); next; } # Write it to a temp file. open (WRITE, ">$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/temp.$file"); binmode WRITE; print WRITE $bin; close (WRITE); # Make up a unique file name. my $unique = $file; $unique =~ s/\.(jpg|jpe|jpeg|gif|png)$//i; my $ui = 0; while (-f "$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/$album/$unique\.jpg") { $ui++; $unique = $ui . $file; $unique =~ s/\.(jpg|jpe|jpeg|gif|png)$//i; } $unique .= '.jpg'; # Load it into GD. use GD; my $orig = undef; if ($fname =~ /\.(jpg|jpe|jpeg)$/i) { $orig = GD::Image->newFromJpeg ("$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/temp.$file"); } elsif ($fname =~ /\.gif$/i) { $orig = GD::Image->newFromGif ("$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/temp.$file"); } else { $orig = GD::Image->newFromPng ("$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/temp.$file"); } my $oWidth = $orig->width; my $oHeight = $orig->height; push (@msgs,"Received image $file ($oWidth x $oHeight)"); # Need to scale it down for the full-size copy? if ($oWidth > $root->{photocfg}->{photos}->{fullwidth}) { # Find out the aspect ratio. my $ratio = $root->{photocfg}->{photos}->{fullwidth} / $oWidth; my $fHeight = int($oHeight * $ratio); my $fWidth = $root->{photocfg}->{photos}->{fullwidth}; # Create a new GD image. my $full = GD::Image->new ($fWidth,$fHeight, 1); # Copy the resized image over. $full->copyResized ( $orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $fWidth, $fHeight, $oWidth, $oHeight, ); push (@msgs,"Resized full size image to $fWidth x $fHeight"); # Write the new image. push (@msgs,"Wrote image l-$unique"); open (FULL, ">$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/$album/l-$unique"); binmode FULL; print FULL $full->jpeg ($root->{photocfg}->{photos}->{quality}); close (FULL); } else { # Doesn't need to be resized. Resave it anyway. push (@msgs, "Wrote image l-$unique"); open (FULL, ">$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/$album/l-$unique"); binmode FULL; print FULL $orig->jpeg ($root->{photocfg}->{photos}->{quality}); close (FULL); } # Need to scale it down for the thumbnail-size copy? if ($oWidth > $root->{photocfg}->{photos}->{thumbwidth}) { # Find out the aspect ratio. my $ratio = $root->{photocfg}->{photos}->{thumbwidth} / $oWidth; my $tHeight = int($oHeight * $ratio); my $tWidth = $root->{photocfg}->{photos}->{thumbwidth}; # Create a new GD image. my $thumb = GD::Image->new ($tWidth,$tHeight, 1); # Copy the resized image over. $thumb->copyResized ( $orig, 0, 0, 0, 0, $tWidth, $tHeight, $oWidth, $oHeight, ); push (@msgs,"Resized thumbnail image to $tWidth x $tHeight"); # Write the new image. push (@msgs,"Wrote image s-$unique"); open (THUMB, ">$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/$album/s-$unique"); binmode THUMB; print THUMB $thumb->jpeg ($root->{photocfg}->{photos}->{quality}); close (THUMB); } else { # Doesn't need to be resized. Resave it anyway. push (@msgs, "Wrote image s-$unique"); open (THUMB, ">$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/$album/s-$unique"); binmode THUMB; print THUMB $orig->jpeg ($root->{photocfg}->{photos}->{quality}); close (THUMB); } # Unlink the temp file. unlink ("$root->{conf}->{site}->{public}/photos/temp.$file"); # Notify the photo manager about the new photo. &writePhoto ( album => $album, photo => $unique, caption => $cap, owner => $root->{me}, ); } $root->{content} = "

Photos Uploaded

\n\n" . "The upload operation has completed successfully. " . "View this photo album.

\n\n" . "The details of the operation are as follows:\n" . "

    \n" . "
  1. " . join("
  2. \n
  3. ",@msgs) . "
  4. \n" . "
\n"; } elsif ($action eq 'editpic') { # Only Photographers can upload photos. if ($privilege !~ /^(owners|photographers)$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only photographers can access this page."; return 1; } my $meta = &readPhotos($album); my $cap = $meta->{$pic}->{caption} || ''; $album =~ s/\"/"/ig; $cap =~ s/\"/"/ig; $root->{content} = "

Edit Caption

\n\n" . "
\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "Caption:
\n" . "

\n\n" . "\n" . "

\n"; } elsif ($action eq 'updatepic') { # Only Photographers can upload photos. if ($privilege !~ /^(owners|photographers)$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only photographers can access this page."; return 1; } my $meta = &readPhotos($album); my $newcap = $query->{caption} || ''; &writePhoto ( album => $album, photo => $pic, caption => $newcap, owner => $meta->{$pic}->{owner}, ); $root->{content} = "

Caption Updated

\n\n" . "The caption has been updated. " . "View the picture."; } elsif ($action eq 'delpic') { # Only Photographers can upload photos. if ($privilege !~ /^(owners|photographers)$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only photographers can access this page."; return 1; } &deletePhoto ($album,$pic); $root->{content} = "

Photo Deleted

\n\n" . "The photo has been deleted successfully. " . "Return to the album."; } elsif ($action eq 'sort') { # Only Photographers can sort pics. if ($privilege !~ /^(owners|photographers)$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only photographers can access this page."; return 1; } # Load this album's info. my $meta = &readAlbum($query->{album}); $root->{meta}->{title} = $meta->{name}; # Get the pics in this album. my $pics = &readPhotos($query->{album}); $root->{content} = "

Sort Photos

\n\n"; # Sort the pictures. my @prefSort = &getPicOrder($query->{album}); my %allPicIDs = %{$pics}; my @sorted = (); foreach my $id (@prefSort) { next unless exists $pics->{$id}; push (@sorted,$id); delete $allPicIDs{$id}; } push (@sorted, sort { $b cmp $a } keys %allPicIDs); my $size = scalar(@sorted); $root->{content} .= "
\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "{album}\">\n" . "
\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "
\n" . "
\n" . "" . "
\n" . "\n" . "
\n" . "
\n" . "
\n" . "
\n"; $root->{content} .= qq~~; } elsif ($action eq "dosort") { # Only Photographers can sort pics. if ($privilege !~ /^(owners|photographers)$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Permission Denied

\n\n" . "Only photographers can access this page."; return 1; } # Load this album's info. my $meta = &readAlbum($query->{album}); $root->{meta}->{title} = $meta->{name}; # Get the pics in this album. my $pics = &readPhotos($query->{album}); # Get the sorted pics. my $sorted = $query->{sorted}; my @order = split(/:/, $sorted); # Update the ordering with the photo manager. &setPicOrder($query->{album},@order); $root->{content} = "

Sort Photos

\n\n" . "The photo album has been organized. " . "{album}\">" . "Return to the album."; }