Title: Post a Comment Plugin: Starburst-Blog

Web Blog

You shouldn't see this page. # Load the blog config. $root->{blogcfg} = &readConfig('blog.conf') unless exists $root->{blogcfg}; my $action = $query->{action} || 'index'; my $id = $query->{id} || ''; my $entry = {}; if (length $id > 0) { if (&entryExists($id)) { # Good. Read this entry. $entry = &readEntry($id); } else { $root->{content} = "

Missing Entry

"; return 1; } } if ($action eq 'index') { $root->{content} = "


\n\n"; # Get the comments on this. my @comments = &getComments($id); if (scalar(@comments)) { my $ln = 0; foreach my $line (@comments) { my ($ip,$time,$name,$msg) = split(/<>/, $line, 4); my $stamp = &timeFormat($root->{blogcfg}->{blog}->{timestamp}, $time); # Get an avatar. my $avatar = "{conf}->{site}->{public}/avatars/user_guest.png\" " . "width=\"100\" height=\"100\" alt=\"Guest\">
\n" . "guest\n"; my $intro = "Posted by somebody

\n\n"; if ($name =~ /^guest:/i) { $name =~ s/^guest://i; $intro = "Posted by $name (Guest)

\n\n"; } else { &readUser($name) unless exists $root->{users}->{$name}; my $nick = $name; my $pos = $root->{conf}->{powers}->{$root->{users}->{$name}->{power}}; if (&userExists($name)) { $nick = &getNickname($name); } $intro = "Posted by " . "$nick ($pos)

\n\n"; # Do they have an avatar? if (length $root->{users}->{$name}->{avatar} > 0) { $avatar = "" . "{users}->{$name}->{avatar}\" width=\"100\" " . "height=\"100\" alt=\"$nick\">
\n" . "$name\n"; } else { $avatar = "" . "{conf}->{site}->{public}/avatars/" . "user_guest.png\" width=\"100\" " . "height=\"100\" alt=\"$nick\">
\n" . "$name\n"; } } $root->{content} .= "

\n" . "
\n" . "$avatar" . "
\n" . "$stamp
\n" . "$intro" . "$msg\n"; if ($root->{auth}) { my $perm = &getBlogPermissions(); if ($perm eq 'authors') { $root->{content} .= "

\n" . "[" . "delete]\n"; } } $root->{content} .= "
\n"; $ln++; } } else { $root->{content} .= "Nobody has commented on this entry yet. Why not " . "be the first?\n\n"; } # Are we allowed to comment? my $canComment = 1; if (not $root->{auth}) { if ($root->{blogcfg}->{comments}->{allowguests} == 0) { $canComment = 0; } } if ($canComment) { $root->{content} .= "

Leave a Comment

\n\n" . "
\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "Name:
\n"; if ($root->{auth}) { $root->{content} .= "{me}\">\n" . ucfirst($root->{me}) . "
\n"; } else { $root->{content} .= "
\n"; } $root->{content} .= "Message:
\n" . "

\n\n" . "\n\n" . "

\n" . "Do not edit these fields.
\n" . "
\n" . "
\n" . "\n" . "
\n" . "
\n"; } else { $root->{content} .= "

Leave a Comment

\n\n" . "You must be logged in to comment " . "on this entry."; } } elsif ($action eq 'save') { my $name = $query->{name} || 'Anonymous'; my $msg = $query->{message} || ''; my $trap1 = $query->{email} || ''; my $trap2 = $query->{url} || ''; my $trap3 = $query->{comment} || ''; my $denied = 0; if ($trap1 ne '') { $denied++; } if ($trap2 ne 'http://') { $denied++; } if ($trap3 ne '') { $denied++; } if (length $msg == 0) { $denied++; } if ($denied) { $root->{content} = "

Comment Denied

\n\n" . "Your comment wasn't acceptible. Please try again."; return 1; } # Filter the message. $msg =~ s~&~&~ig; $msg =~ s~<~<~ig; $msg =~ s~>~>~ig; $name =~ s~&~&~ig; $name =~ s~<~<~ig; $name =~ s~>~>~ig; # Handle newlines. $msg =~ s~\x0a~
~ig; $msg =~ s~\x0d~~ig; $name =~ s~[\x0d\x0a]~~ig; # Logged in? if ($root->{auth} == 1) { $name = $root->{me}; } else { $name = "guest:$name"; } # Add the comment. &blogComment($id, name => $name, message => $msg, ); $root->{content} = "

Comment Posted

\n\n" . "Your comment has been posted. " . "Return to the entry."; # Send an e-mail to the site administrator. $msg =~ s/
/\n/g; my %smtp = ( Smtp => $root->{conf}->{mail}->{server}, From => "Starburst Blog <$root->{conf}->{mail}->{from}>", To => $root->{conf}->{site}->{webmaster}, Subject => "New Blog Comment: $entry->{subject}", Message => "Dear $root->{conf}->{site}->{title} Administrator:\n\n" . "A new blog comment, written by $name, has been posted to your " . "blog entry titled \"$entry->{subject}\"\n\n" . "---\n" . "$msg\n" . "---\n\n" . "Click the link below to view this entry and the new comment:\n" . "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}/?p=blog;id=$id\n\n" . "Note: this message was automatically generated. Do not reply " . "to this e-mail.", ); sendEmail(%smtp); } elsif ($action eq 'delete') { $root->{content} = "

Delete Comments

\n\n"; my $line = (defined $query->{line} ? $query->{line} : ''); # Make sure we have permission. my $perm = &getBlogPermissions(); if ($perm eq 'authors') { if (length $line > 0) { # Request this line to be deleted. &deleteComment($id,$line); $root->{content} = "

Comment Deleted

\n\n" . "DO NOT REFRESH THIS PAGE. The comment on line $line " . "has been deleted. " . "Back to Entry."; } else { $root->{content} = "

Unknown Line

\n\n" . "No valid comment entry was given."; } } else { $root->{content} = "

Access Denied

\n\n" . "You do not have permission to delete this comment."; } }