Title: Admin Center Comment: Administrative pages.

Admin Center

Error: You do not have permission to access this page. if ($root->{auth} && &isAdmin) { my $action = $query->{action} || 'index'; if ($action eq 'index') { $root->{content} = "

Admin Center

\n\n" . "This is the admin center, where you can administer " . "your website. Click one of the links below to continue.

\n\n" . "Site Configuration\n" . "

\n" . "Content Management\n" . "\n"; } elsif ($action eq 'config') { my $cs = $root->{conf}->{site}; my $cp = $root->{conf}->{powers}; my $cm = $root->{conf}->{mail}; my $cu = $root->{conf}->{users}; my $cc = $root->{conf}->{cookies}; my $ckOpenReg = ($cu->{allowregister} ? " checked" : ""); my $selSMTP = ($cm->{method} =~ /smtp/i ? " selected" : ""); my $selMail = ($cm->{method} =~ /sendmail/i ? " selected" : ""); $root->{content} = "

Core Site Configuration

\n\n" . "
\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "

Site Information

\n\n" . "Website Title:
\n" . "This is the main title of your website.
\n" . "{title}\">

\n\n" . "Titlebar Format:
\n" . "This is the format for the title bar on the web browser.
\n" . "Ex: %meta | %title would look like e.g. About Us | Starburst CMS
\n" . "{titleformat}\">

\n\n" . "Webmaster E-Mail:
\n" . "{webmaster}\">

\n\n" . "Server Time Zone:
\n" . "It's important to have an accurate time zone set. Time stamps are written to " . "disk according to the local time zone, and then translated to GMT and then " . "to the end user's time zone. Note: you'll probably need to adjust this whenever " . "Daylight Saving Time is observed.
\n" . &listTimezones() . "

\n\n" . "URL to your Website:
\n" . "This should be either the absolute HTTP URL or a relative path to where " . "\"index.cgi\" is located on your server. For example if your site is at " . "http://example.com/starburst/index.cgi, then you'd put \"/starburst/\".
\n" . "{url}\">

\n\n" . "Local Path to Public Folder:
\n" . "Enter the local file path to the \"public\" folder (where uploaded profile " . "pictures and avatars are served from). Default is \"sb-public\".
\n" . "{public}\">\n\n" . "

Power Labels

\n\n" . "The \"Power Labels\" are the labels visible to the end user to represent " . "the users that have power (i.e. administrators and moderators). The default " . "values are usually appropriate for most sites.

\n\n" . "Administrators:
\n" . "{admin}\">

\n\n" . "Moderators:
\n" . "{mod}\">

\n\n" . "Regular Users:
\n" . "{user}\">

\n\n" . "Banned Users:
\n" . "{banned}\">\n\n" . "

E-Mail Settings

\n\n" . "These settings are necessary for your website to be able to send e-mails " . "to its users. If you're unsure of any of these options, ask your systems " . "administrator for help.

\n\n" . "E-Mail Delivery Method:
\n" . "

\n\n" . "SMTP Server Hostname:
\n" . "This can usually be 'localhost'.
\n" . "{server}\">

\n\n" . "SMTP Port:
\n" . "This is usually 25.
\n" . "{port}\">

\n\n" . "Path to Sendmail:
\n" . "This is usually /usr/sbin/sendmail -t
\n" . "{sendmail}\">

\n\n" . "From Address:
\n" . "When automated e-mails are delivered, they will appear to be \"From\" this " . "address. This should be a valid address. Ex: do-not-reply\@mydomain.com.
\n" . "{from}\">\n\n" . "

User Settings

\n\n" . "Open Registration:
\n" . "\n" . "

\n\n" . "Maximum Profile Picture File Size:
\n" . "Enter the maximum file size (in bytes) for uploaded profile pictures.
\n" . "Ex: 102400 (which would be 100 KB), or 1048576 (which is 1 MB)
\n" . "{picmaxsize}\">

\n\n" . "Maximum Profile Picture Width:
\n" . "Enter the maximum width that profile pictures can be (in pixels).
\n" . "{picmaxwidth}\">\n\n" . "

Cookie Settings

\n\n" . "Session Cookie Name:
\n" . "{session}\">

\n\n" . "Username Cookie Name:
\n" . "{username}\">

\n\n" . "Tracker Cookie Name:
\n" . "{tracker}\">

\n\n" . "\n" . "

\n" . "\n"; } elsif ($action eq 'writeconfig') { # Copy the time zone. $query->{'site-timezone'} = $query->{timezone}; my $changed = {}; # Fix checkboxes. $query->{'users-allowregister'} = $query->{'users-allowregister'} eq 'checked' ? 1 : 0; # Copy all the config fields. foreach my $key (keys %{$query}) { if ($key =~ /\-/) { my ($section,$var) = split(/\-/, $key, 2); next unless $section =~ /^(site|powers|mail|users|cookies)$/; $root->{conf}->{$section}->{$var} = $query->{$key}; if (!exists $changed->{$section}) { $changed->{$section} = []; } push (@{$changed->{$section}}, "$var=$query->{$key}"); } } # Write the configuration. &writeConfig('site.conf',$root->{conf}); $root->{content} = "

Configuration Saved

\n\n" . "The site configuration has been updated successfully. Details:

\n\n" . "

Wrote: $root->{base}/conf/site.conf\n\n"
				. "Fields Changed/Written:\n";

			foreach my $section (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$changed}) {
				$root->{content} .= "\n[$section]\n"
					. (join("\n", sort { $a cmp $b } @{$changed->{$section}}))
					. "\n";

			$root->{content} .= "
\n"; } elsif ($action eq 'users') { # Get a list of all registered users. opendir (DIR, "$root->{base}/users"); foreach my $file (sort(grep(/\.txt$/i, readdir(DIR)))) { $file =~ s/\.txt$//i; &readUser($file); } closedir (DIR); $root->{content} = "

Manage User Accounts

\n\n" . "Use these pages to add, delete, and modify user accounts.\n\n" . "\n" . "

Registered Users

\n\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n"; foreach my $usr (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$root->{users}}) { my @grps = split(/\,/, $root->{users}->{$usr}->{group}); $root->{content} .= "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n"; } $root->{content} .= "
\n" . "Username\n" . "\n" . "Real Name\n" . "\n" . "Power\n" . "\n" . "Groups\n" . "\n" . "Passsword\n" . "\n" . "Delete\n" . "
\n" . "$usr\n" . "\n" . "$root->{users}->{$usr}->{name} \n" . "\n" . "" . "$root->{conf}->{powers}->{$root->{users}->{$usr}->{power}}\n" . "\n" . "" . (join(", ",@grps)) . "\n" . "\n" . "" . "Change\n" . "\n" . "" . "Delete\n" . "
"; } elsif ($action eq 'edituser') { my $method = $query->{method} || ''; my $user = $query->{user} || ''; if ($method !~ /^(power|group|passwd|delete)$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Unknown Method

\n\n" . "Go back to the admin center and try again."; } else { if ($method eq 'power') { $root->{content} = "

Change User Position

\n\n" . "Use this page to modify a user's position, for example to " . "give them moderator rights or ban them.

\n\n"; } elsif ($method eq 'group') { $root->{content} = "

Change User Groups

\n\n" . "Use this page to modify what groups a user belongs to. " . "Separate multiple group names with a comma. Spaces will " . "be ignored. Group names cannot contain spaces.

\n\n"; } elsif ($method eq 'passwd') { $root->{content} = "

Reset User Password

\n\n" . "Use this page to reset a user's password. You do not need " . "to know their original password to reset it here.

\n\n"; } elsif ($method eq 'delete') { $root->{content} = "

Delete User Account

\n\n" . "Use this page to remove a user account. This can " . "NOT be reversed!

\n\n"; } $root->{content} .= "

\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "Username:
\n" . "

\n"; if ($method eq 'power') { $root->{content} .= "Position:
\n" . "

\n\n"; } elsif ($method eq 'group') { &readUser($user) unless exists $root->{users}->{$user}; $root->{content} .= "Groups:
\n" . "{users}->{$user}->{group}\">

\n\n"; } elsif ($method eq 'passwd') { $root->{content} .= "New Password:
\n" . "

\n\n"; } elsif ($method eq 'delete') { $root->{content} .= "Verify Deletion:
\n" . "Type in the word \"delete\" to verify deletion.
\n" . "

\n\n"; } $root->{content} .= "\n" . "

"; } } elsif ($action eq 'usermod') { my $method = $query->{method} || ''; if ($method !~ /^(power|group|passwd|delete)$/i) { $root->{content} = "

Unknown Method

\n\n" . "Go back to the admin center and try again."; } else { if ($method eq 'power') { my $user = $query->{user}; $user = &normalize($user); my $power = $query->{power}; $power = 'user' unless $power =~ /^(admin|mod|user|banned)$/i; if (&userExists($user)) { &readUser($user); $root->{users}->{$user}->{power} = $power; &writeUser($user,%{$root->{users}->{$user}}); $root->{content} = "

User Modified

\n\n" . "The user $user has been given " . "$power ($root->{conf}->{powers}->{$power}) " . "status.

\n\n" . "Return to Admin Center"; } else { $root->{content} = "

Unknown User

\n\n" . "The user $user was not found."; } } elsif ($method eq 'group') { my $user = $query->{user}; $user = &normalize($user); my $group = $query->{group}; $group =~ s/\s+//g; $group = 'everybody' unless $group =~ /everybody/i; if (&userExists($user)) { &readUser($user); $root->{users}->{$user}->{group} = $group; &writeUser($user, %{$root->{users}->{$user}}); $root->{content} = "

User Modified

\n\n" . "The user $user's groups have been changed." . "

\n\n" . "Return to Admin Center"; } else { $root->{content} = "

Unknown User

\n\n" . "The user $user was not found."; } } elsif ($method eq 'passwd') { my $user = $query->{user}; $user = &normalize($user); my $pass = md5_hex ($query->{pass}); if (&userExists($user)) { &readUser($user); $root->{users}->{$user}->{password} = $pass; &writeUser($user,%{$root->{users}->{$user}}); $root->{content} = "

User Modified

\n\n" . "The user $user has had their password " . "modified successfully.

\n\n" . "Return to Admin Center"; } else { $root->{content} = "

Unknown User

\n\n" . "The user $user was not found."; } } elsif ($method eq 'delete') { my $user = $query->{user}; $user = &normalize($user); my $verify = $query->{verify}; if (&userExists($user) && $verify eq 'delete') { &deleteUser($user); $root->{content} = "

User Deleted

\n\n" . "The user $user has been deleted.

\n\n" . "Return to Admin Center"; } else { $root->{content} = "

Operation Failed

\n\n" . "The user $user was not found, or " . "the verification on the request has failed."; } } } } elsif ($action eq 'pages') { $root->{content} = "

Manage Pages

\n\n" . "Use this page to create, modify, and delete pages on your site.

\n\n" . "Create New Page

\n\n" . "

Your Webpages

\n\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n"; opendir (DIR, "$root->{base}/pages"); foreach my $txt (sort(grep(/\.txt$/i, readdir(DIR)))) { open (READ, "$root->{base}/pages/$txt"); my @data = ; close (READ); chomp @data; my $page = $txt; $page =~ s/\.txt$//i; my $title = '[untitled]'; foreach my $line (@data) { if ($line =~ /^title:(.+?)$/i) { $title = $1; $title =~ s/^\s+//ig; $title =~ s/\s+$//ig; last; } } # Add a verification salt for deleting pages. my $salt = md5_hex($page . $root->{me} . $root->{users}->{$root->{me}}->{password}); $root->{content} .= "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\n"; } closedir (DIR); $root->{content} .= "
\n" . "Page\n" . "\n" . "Title\n" . "\n" . "Actions\n" . "
\n" . "$page\n" . "\n" . "$title\n" . "\n" . "[edit|" . "delete]\n" . "
\n\n" . "\n"; } elsif ($action eq 'write') { my $page = $query->{page} || ''; my @headers = ('Title: New Webpage'); my @body = (); if (length $page > 0) { if (-f "$root->{base}/pages/$page\.txt") { @headers = (); open (READ, "$root->{base}/pages/$page\.txt"); my @data = ; close (READ); chomp @data; my $inHead = 1; foreach my $line (@data) { if (length $line == 0) { $inHead = 0; next; } if ($inHead) { push(@headers,$line); } else { push(@body,$line); } } } } # Join things and run filters. my $txtHead = join("\n",@headers); my $txtBody = join("\n",@body); $txtHead =~ s~<~<~ig; $txtHead =~ s~>~>~ig; $txtBody =~ s~<~<~ig; $txtBody =~ s~>~>~ig; $root->{content} = "

Page Editor

\n\n" . "
\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "Page Filename:
\n" . "

\n\n" . "Page Headers:
\n" . "" . "
\n" . "ex:
\n" . "Title: About Us
\n" . "Comment: Our website's about-us page

\n\n" . "Page Content:
\n" . "" . "

\n\n" . "\n" . "

\n"; } elsif ($action eq 'save') { my $page = $query->{file} || ''; my $headers = $query->{headers} || ''; my $body = $query->{body} || ''; if (length $headers == 0) { $headers = 'Title: Untitled Document'; } if (length $body == 0) { $body = '
'; } if (length $page == 0) { $page = 'untitled'; } # Write the page. &capture("$root->{base}/pages/$page\.txt"); open (WRITE, ">$root->{base}/pages/$page\.txt"); print WRITE $headers . "\n\n" . $body; close (WRITE); &release("$root->{base}/pages/$page\.txt"); $root->{content} = "

Page Written

\n\n" . "The page at $root->{base}/pages/$page\.txt has been written. " . "View this page."; } elsif ($action eq 'delpage') { my $page = $query->{page} || ''; my $salt = $query->{verify} || ''; my $denied = 0; if (!-f "$root->{base}/pages/$page\.txt") { $denied = 1; } # Verify the salt. my $verify = md5_hex($page . $root->{me} . $root->{users}->{$root->{me}}->{password}); if ($verify ne $salt) { $denied = 1; } if ($denied == 1) { $root->{content} = "

Page NOT Deleted

\n\n" . "The page was not deleted because it didn't exist or " . "because the verification salt was invalid."; } else { # Create a backup, just in case. my $stamp = time(); use File::Copy; copy ("$root->{base}/pages/$page\.txt","$root->{base}/pages/$page\.$stamp"); # Delete it. unlink ("$root->{base}/pages/$page\.txt"); $root->{content} = "

Page Deleted

\n\n" . "The page \"$page\" was deleted successfully."; } } }